[TriLUG] Website Directory Listing via HTTP?

Christopher L Merrill chris at webperformanceinc.com
Thu Aug 25 13:19:03 EDT 2005

Shane O'Donnell wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out a way to use wget/curl to grab a simple
> listing of files without grabbing the files.  Think of it as a remote
> "ls" via HTTP.

I think this is only possible if the server is configured to allow
directory listings.  Most are not.  And for many of those that are, they
would return the default page for the directory (index.html, etc) if
it exists.

If you don't have control of the server in question, you may not have
any choices beyond FTP/SSH.


Chris Merrill                  |  http://www.webperformanceinc.com
Web Performance Inc.

Website Load Testing and Stress Testing Software

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