[TriLUG] Two questions about this...

Barry Gaskins barry.gaskins at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 10:14:26 EDT 2005

 I did a search using google and all I could find were copies of the press 
release you have in the link. I suspect that if it does run linux then it 
will be a locked down version of embedded linux that will not give you 
permission to run anything that the phone provider does not provide (for a 
price). If they let you run anything you want then you would not have to pay 
them $3+ for each ringtone and whatever they want to play their star trek 
game. An open platform would be really cool because you could upload any mp3 
to play when the phone rings without paying the ridiculous prices the 
provider charges and I bet lots of cool open souce free games and 
applications would develop. But they are not going to do that because they 
are only interested in sucking all the money from your bank account.
Maybe someday one of these companies will realize that if they did create an 
open platform and let the open source would create killer apps then they 
could make money providing the phone service communications it requires. 
They are after all supposed to be mobile phone providers. That will be the 
- Barry Gaskins

On 9/15/05, Dave Sorenson <dave at logicalgeek.com> wrote:
> Vaporware as of this moment?
> Glenn Hennessee wrote:
> > Rick DeNatale wrote:
> >
> >> http://www.sonamobile.com/newsrelease.asp?article=2005-08-15
> >>
> >> 1) Does it run Linux?
> >> 2) Does it use an open standard to interface with the teleporter?
> >
> > Why no picture of it?
> >
> >
> --
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