[TriLUG] Sendmail problem
Jeff The Riffer
riffer at vaxer.net
Thu Oct 13 22:29:21 EDT 2005
On Thu, 13 Oct 2005, Mark Fowle wrote:
> /*Oct 13 21:10:24 tips5100 sendmail[4892]: j9DNdTXD004892: collect: premature
> EOM: Connection reset by mailrelay.asce.org
> Oct 13 21:10:24 tips5100 sendmail[4892]: j9DNdTXD004892: SYSERR(root):
> collect: I/O error on connection from mailrelay.asce.org,
> from=<cmcnaughton at asce.org>
Who is asce.org? The sending or receiving MTA?
> I've tried googling but I can't seem to find anything.... Is it something on
> my end that is cutting off the transfer?
That depends on which end is saying I/O error. if it's your end, than yes
that could be an issue on your server.
OTOH, if it's the other side of the conversation, not much you can do about
it generally...
####################==============---- ----==============####################
# riffer at vaxer.net - Jeff The Riffer - Drifter... - Homo Postmortemus #
# Disclaimer: I am not a number, I am a free man, and my thoughts are my own. #
# GCS$ d-- H++ s:++ !g p+ au0 a34 w+ v?(*) C++ UA P? L 3 E---- N++ K- W-- M+ V#
# po--- Y+ t+ 5+ !j R G' tv b+ D++ B--- e+ u--- h--- f+ r+++ n- y+++* #
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