[TriLUG] destroying disk drives
Ryan Wheaton
ryan.wheaton at comcast.net
Wed Nov 9 12:09:57 EST 2005
Jon and I used to do this in our "down time" at work... Just a small
pair of pliers and a small set of clips...Just go at it and rip that
thing apart. Might takes more time than you'd want, but the magnets are
fun to play with. But if you're not careful might *damage* your
Cristobal Palmer wrote:
> Oh, and the Optical version goes much better with a Chablis.
> -CMP
> On 11/8/05, Cristobal Palmer <cristobalpalmer at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Just substitute Optical media for the HDs. Cook time is < 2 seconds
>>for -R and +/-RW media. Make sure to have a window open if doing a
>>large batch.
>>On 11/8/05, Ian Kilgore <ian at trilug.org> wrote:
>>>Hash: SHA1
>>>Cristobal Palmer wrote:
>>>| You guys are so dramatic.
>>>| Ingredients:
>>>| x1 Phillips screwdriver (must match HD)
>>>| x1 Industrial Box cutter
>>>| x1 11in (or larger) "Safety" punch
>>>| x1 Framing hammer
>>>| tsp salt
>>>| Victim HDs (to taste)
>>>| (1) Preheat Oven to 350 degrees.
>>>| (2) Prepare HD by removing outer cover with the screwdriver (and box
>>>| cutter if there is a particularly bothersome sealant).
>>>| (3) Go to town on the exposed platters.
>>>| (4) scatter remnants of HDs in a 3in pan with 1in water and salt.
>>>| (5) bake 45-50min
>>>| Let stand 10-15min. Serve with a Merlot.
>>>| -CMP
>>>Is there a microwave version?
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>>Cristobal M. Palmer
>>UNC-CH SILS Student
>>cristobalpalmer at gmail.com
>>cmpalmer at ils.unc.edu
>>"Television-free since 2003"
> --
> Cristobal M. Palmer
> UNC-CH SILS Student
> cristobalpalmer at gmail.com
> cmpalmer at ils.unc.edu
> ils.unc.edu/~cmpalmer
> "Television-free since 2003"
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