[TriLUG] No more Linux on WRT54G???

Greg Brown gwbrown1 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 23:32:00 EST 2005

> > The real reason may well have to do with the threat that Openwrt and
> > the like pose to Ciscos business model, since lots of WRT54s with FOSS
> > software replacements seem to be displacing more expensive Cisco boxen
> > in commercial applications.
> >

I disagree 1000%.  When you boot an AP-1200, apply layer up layer of
VLANs, RADIUS auth, as well as a 1000+ line tftp booted text config
(though it can all (or most) be done via the web config) plus TACACS
and every other protocol found in a true enterprise network you will
know that a WRT54G running OpenWRT would NEVER be able to handle the
load nor should it have ever been asked to do so.

Linksys = home or SMB (look at Cisco's link roadmap and VoIP products
announced recently)
Cicso= Enterprise (or anywhere untested, unproven code should be deployed).


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