[TriLUG] Ripping MP3's from a DVD

Timothy A. Chagnon tachagnon at gmail.com
Sun Nov 20 19:33:35 EST 2005

Just tested out doing this with mencoder (http://www.mplayerhq.hu). 
Here's a basic setup you can try:

$ mencoder dvd://<trackno> -ovc copy -oac mp3lame -lameopts vbr=3 -of
rawaudio -o yourfile.mp3

Here's the info on the options:
dvd://<trackno> -- Which dvd track to rip from, use -chapter to limit more
-ovc copy -- don't do any compression on the video stream
-oac mp3lame... -- compress the audio stream into mp3
-of rawadio -- this is the important one, just write the audio stream
to the output file
-o yourfile.mp3 -- the output file.

See the mplayer(1) man page for all the gory details of the options. 
Most distros should have this package in their repositories.

Good luck,

On 11/20/05, Randy Barlow <rpbarlow at ncsu.edu> wrote:
> I've got a Flaming Lips DVD that has some awesome music videos on it,
> and I don't have some of the songs on CD's.  I'd like to make a music CD
> with the songs from the DVD for listening in my car.  Anyone know an app
> that can rip MP3's from the audio of a DVD?
> Randy
> --
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