[TriLUG] ODBC error question

Warren Myers volcimaster at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 14:41:34 EST 2005

Sorry for cross-posting this question, but I'm in a bit of a pickle.

I've been working with an open-source user & session management script set,
modifying it to work with ODBC instead of MySQL.

I have a valid ODBC database that I'm trying to use to do user
authentication against. Right now I can write to the database, but not read
from it. When I enter a username and password I know to be good, it comes
back with a 'username not found error'.

I can post code for perusal if that would help.

Thanks for any help,

"God may not play dice with the universe, but something strange is going on
with the prime numbers." --Paul Erdős

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