[TriLUG] MIDI Software Synths?

Roy Vestal rvestal at trilug.org
Mon Dec 12 09:42:58 EST 2005

I've been playing with audacity and audour. As for an editor, I use 
LAOE, it's Java based but it works incredibly well. Full layering 
control and all. It just doesn't record, hence why I only use it as an 
editor :(

Brian Henning wrote:

> Hi Folks!
>   Just curious if anyone out there in TriLUG land does much with MIDI 
> on  our favorite platform.  I've been doing some looking around, and a 
> lot of  what I've found hasn't been encouraging.
> There're two main issues I currently face in wanting to get MIDI  
> functionality with my current setup.  One is composition tools, and so 
> far  I haven't even looked that far into it, because it's currently 
> undermined  by the second issue, which is software synths.  If my 
> onboard sound  hardware has a hardware synth at all, it's a cinch that 
> it sounds like  crap, and furthermore FC4 doesn't know anything about 
> it by default and I  don't feel like expending the effort to get it 
> working when I'm so certain  the sound results will be horrid.  So I'm 
> looking for software synth  programs, and I'm coming up very discouraged.
>   Of course, there's TiMidity++, which seems to require a lot of 
> inside  knowledge to get working (and doesn't include a GUI by 
> default).  There's  a few others, which all seem to have stagnated or 
> not be geared toward the  simple rendering of a run-of-the-mill MIDI 
> song.
>   So I ask you all.  What do yous guyses use, if anything?
> Cheers,
> ~Brian

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