[TriLUG] Docbook, PDF and Ubuntu (5.10)

Chris Knowles chrisk at trilug.org
Mon Jan 9 12:22:45 EST 2006

This is probably a totally silly question, but I'm having trouble
finding answers on the net, and thought I'd poke the massive brains

I've got a XML Docbook manual that I've been working on, and in the
past, HTML has been all I want it in... however, management now wants it
as a PDF.  

In the past I've issued the command "xmlto -o output html manual.xml"
and the directory output has the html files that I want. 

So, I issued the command "xmlto pdf manual.xml" and instead of a happy
pdf, I get TeX error messages about there being a missing \item
somewhere.  Now, I'm NOT a TeX person, so that's greek to me.  I've got
all suggested and recommended dependencies for xmlto installed, so I
think things should be working...

So, Anyone have an Ubuntu 5.10 installation that is producing pdf output
from XML docbook?  Or is there a better way to do things?



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