[TriLUG] apache redirect

Brian Bell bbell at kneecap.net
Thu Jan 19 21:37:33 EST 2006

What about ...

<VirtualHost *:80>

        ServerAlias *.foo.com
        RewriteEngine On
        RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .*.foo.com [NC]
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/somedir/(.*)$  [NC]
        RewriteRule ^/(.*)$      http://bar.com/$1 [L]


I think this should go something like...
Condition = rewrite if HTTP_HOST is a foo.com domain (case-insensitive)
Condition = do not rewrite if the  REQUEST_URI is the directory you want 
to exclude (case-insensitive)
Rewrite = any request to foo.com/{whatever was requested}  to  
http://bar.com/{send them there on bar.com}

Jason Tower wrote:
> i have a very simple rule in place that redirects all requests for 
> foo.com to bar.com:
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>         Redirect 301 / http://bar.com/
>         ServerName foo.com
> </VirtualHost>
> i'd like to modify this so that requests for foo.com/somedir* are not 
> redirected, but everything else is.  i've tried a bunch of things 
> using RedirectMatch but haven't quite gotten it to work.  i think it's 
> just my regexp that is incorrect, can anyone lend a hand?

Brian Bell
Kneecap Interactive
bbell at kneecap.net

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