[TriLUG] dumb sh*t question

Steve Hoffman srhoffman at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 14:11:44 EST 2006

I am leaving for Vegas in 1.5 hours so my mind is clearly elsewhere at the
moment...I can't think of the right approach to this problem and hope
someone can quickly point it out before I go nuts.

I'm using rsync to sync between two linux systems, one's a test server, the
other's a production server.  The development server is just a lamp setup
that our not so tech savvy web developer pushes his work to to see it in a
browser to make sure it renders correctly as he's a dreamweaver user
<shudder>.  So because he knows crap about linux or what a command line
is...I wrote a nifty little webpage that is hosted on the development server
that allows him to push and pull data from dev to prod.  Somewhere in there
the perms are getting screwed.   I'm pretty sure it's dreamweaver doing the
hosing, but I'll figure that out later, he's out right now and his machine's

I need a way to lock the umask on a particular directory to be 754 for all
files inside it so that when rsync (using the -p flag) syncs the two and
dreamweaver has already hosed the  permissions...they dont' get changed on
production...there's nothing worse then an irate customer calling and
complaining to me that A) our web guy is an idiot, and B) his website won't
display images and looks like a$$.

Is there a way to do ACL style permissions on a dir without an AFS/DFS


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