[TriLUG] Lunch Friday?
Tanner Lovelace
clubjuggler at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 10:06:47 EST 2006
On 2/23/06, Brian Henning <lugmail at cheetah.dynip.com> wrote:
> Time for me to pipe up...
> > Poser. He's not "southern" he's "redneck".
> How accurately observed. A Southerner will have an accent, but what he says
> will be grammatically correct (within acceptable margin of error) and quite
> possibly intelligent. A Redneck will have a similar accent, but what he
> says is likely to be grammatically horrifying and carry little literary
> value.
Exactly what I was trying to say, but said MUCH better. Thanks.
> Before anyone jumps down my throat about bigotry, let me clarify that this
> is intentionally focusing on the use of "redneck" as a derogatory term. I'm
> not talking about who fits into the description, but the description itself.
> >
> > > According to Foxworthy, "all y'all" is plural and "all y'all's"
> > is plural
> > > posessive.
> >
> > There's absolutely no need for "all y'all" since "y'all" is NEVER EVER
> > singular. It is always plural.
> A-MEN!* heh. And for the love of Pete (though I don't believe I've seen
> anyone make this mistake in this thread, I just mention it as a pet peeve of
> mine) it's y'all, and not ya'll. You + all. Not ya + all.
Um, Brian, I've gone back and read that 4 times now and I don't see it
spelled "ya'll" anywhere except where you're complaining about it. You're
very right that it is, indeed, "y'all", but I think you read over the quote a
bit too fast...
> * Actually there is a use for "all y'all," just as there is a use for "all
> of you." It's used to indicate an entire collection versus a subset. Such
> as, "y'all over there can carry your luggage, y'all over here can check
> yours, but all y'all are gonna have to take your shoes off."
True. "You" in the English language is properly both singular
and plural, which can be extremely confusing, so "y'all" takes the place
of the plural version of "you" and can be used in all circumstances that
a plural you could be used. Brian, I would posit that in your example
above, the actual phrase in mind was originall "all of y'all" but that the
"f" was at some point dropped leaving the remaining "o" to basically
be swallowed in the phrase and therefore shortened to just "all y'all".
> Heh. Now back to translation lookaside buffer simulators...
Well, this is sort of on topic, perhaps, maybe, as this entire thread
is sort of a "lookaside". O:-)
Tanner Lovelace
clubjuggler at gmail dot com
(fieldless) In fess two roundels in pale, a billet fesswise and an
increscent, all sable.
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