[TriLUG] Using a restricted shell for limited access to a remote system

jonc jonc at nc.rr.com
Thu Mar 2 15:20:04 EST 2006

We were just play around in IRC and I ran across this nice link. Sharing
is fundamental to OpenSources, so here it is...



Note: rsh is NOT "remote shell" at least not in this context. How to set up a restricted account with rsh
To set up a restricted account that uses rsh, you must:

      * Create a special directory containing only the programs that the
        restricted shell can run.
      * Create a special user account that has the restricted shell as
        its login shell.
        NOTE: The setup we show in the following example is not entirely
        safe, as we explain later in this chapter.
For example, to set up a restricted shell that lets guests play rogue
and hack, and use the talk program, first create a user called player
that has /bin/rsh as its shell and /usr/rsh/home as its home directory:

        player::100:100:The Games Guest user:/usr/rshhome:/bin/rsh
Next, create a directory for only the programs you want the guest to
use, and fill the directory with the appropriate links:

        # mkdir /usr/rshhome /usr/rshhome/bin
        # ln /usr/games/hack /usr/rshhome/bin/hack
        # ln /usr/games/rogue /usr/rshhome/bin/rogue
        # ln /usr/bin/talk /usr/rshhome/bin/talk
        # chmod 555 /usr/rshhome/bin
        # chmod 555 /usr/rshhome
Finally, create a .profile for the player user that sets the PATH
environment variable and prints some instructions:

        # cat > /usr/rshhome/.profile
        /bin/echo This guest account is only for the use of authorized guests.
        /bin/echo You can run the following programs:
        /bin/echo rogue A role playing game
        /bin/echo hack A better role playing game
        /bin/echo talk A program to talk with other people.
        /bin/echo Type "logout" to log out.
        export PATH SHELL
        # chmod 444 /usr/rshhome/.profile
        # chown player /usr/rshhome/.profile
        # chmod 500 /usr/rshhome

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