[TriLUG] Kerberos and Linux

Alan Porter porter at trilug.org
Mon Mar 13 14:38:20 EST 2006

Kevin Otte said the following:

>I have our systems set up to try pam_unix first, then pam_krb5.  This way if
>you try a root login, the local is matched first.  I then add
>"use_first_pass" as a parameter to pam_krb5, such that you do not get a
>second prompt.
>kjotte at starbuck:~$ cat /etc/pam.d/common-auth
>auth    sufficient      pam_unix.so nullok_secure
>auth    sufficient      pam_krb5.so use_first_pass
>auth    required        pam_deny.so

This would make a great topic for a TriLUG meeting.



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