[TriLUG] Ubuntu - great security - you'll love this

Rick DeNatale rick.denatale at gmail.com
Wed Mar 15 09:55:28 EST 2006

On 3/13/06, Matt West <mattwestm at gmail.com> wrote:
> You do have to give them some credit. Just think about how long it
> would take Microsoft to update something like that, if they ever
> would.

And if you read the thread pointed to in the original post, the author
said that he thought that he HAD in fact deleted the password after it
was used but for some reason that failed, so it wasn't complete
stupidity.  There was a lack of testing however.

I'm surprised that there's been more discussion of this than the
recent revelation that gnupg has had a bug for some time which made it
easy for an attacker to alter signed messages without detection.

Ooo baby it's a wild world!

Rick DeNatale

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