[TriLUG] Display is fuzzy - sound stopped working

Neil L. Little nllittle at vnet.net
Sat Mar 25 17:38:33 EST 2006

I have a couple of querks on my system (FC4) that are perplexing me.

Querk #1: The text on my display is fuzzy.

This is a dual booted M$XP/FC4 system. I don't have the fuzzy screen 
problem on the M$ side so I am going with the premise that I am 
experiencing some sort software/configuration problem and not a hardware 
failure. I am using the KDE Desktop (default fonts).

Hardware is the following: 
    ATI Radeon 9600PRO
    ViewSonic 20G CRT
    Resolution 1280x1024

Querk #2: The sound has stopped working.

Upon installation the sound worked just fine.
I logged in as root and changed the desktop from GNOME to KDE and the 
sound was still working fine.
I logged in as another user (nllittle) the desktop was GNOME and the 
sound was working fine.
I changed the desktop to KDE and I get the dialog with the following:
   error while initializing the sound drivers:
   device: default can't be opened for playback (invalid argument).
   The sound server will continue, using the null device.
I logged in as root and got the same dialog.
I can go test the sound card and hear the sound.

Since I had sound before and didnt after changing the desktop to KDE I 
am going with a software/configuration problem.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance for your help.

Neil Little, WA4AZL    JARS Forever!!   ...er TRILUG too!

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