[TriLUG] Perplexed

Matt Frye mattfrye at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 11:15:36 EDT 2006

Can someone tell me why the following code would not set $startdated
to the correct date?  Stuff inside the 'switch' seems to go into a
black hole, even when it evals correctly.


$day = `date +%A`;

print "<br>Day is $day - Before<br>";

switch ($day) {
case "Monday":
   print "<br>Day is $day - During<br>";
   $startdated = `date +%Y-%m-%d -d 'a week ago' `  ;
case "Tuesday":
   print "<br>Day is $day - During<br>";
   $startdated = `date +%Y-%m-%d -d '8 days ago' `  ;

print "<br>Day is $day - After<br>";


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