[TriLUG] Problem with LVM

Rick DeNatale rick.denatale at gmail.com
Sun Apr 30 13:39:30 EDT 2006

On 4/30/06, T. Bryan <tbryan at python.net> wrote:
> A while back I finally upgraded my Debian machine's kernel from 2.4.x to
> 2.6.15.  I don't know much about LVM, but I had set up LVM with something
> like this (where /dev/md0 is a RAID1 device on two entire disk partitions).
> pvcreate /dev/md0
> vgcreate localvg /dev/md0
> lvcreate -L20G -nlv_local1 localvg
> mke2fs -j /dev/localvg/lv_local1
> mount /dev/localvg/lv_local1 /opt
> That seemed to work.  Update /etc/fstab to mount the logical volume at /opt,
> and it ran like a charm.  Post reboot, I could access /opt, and (from what I
> can remember), /opt appeared to be a logical volume on top of the RAID1
> device.
> After the kernel upgrade...
> # grep opt /etc/fstab
> /dev/localvg/lv_local1  /opt    ext3    defaults        0       0

Based on my ubuntu setup, try changing that last line to:

/dev/mapper/localvg-local1 /opt ext3 defaults 0 0

Rick DeNatale

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