[TriLUG] Thanksfor all the responses to my backup question...

dsandif dsandif at email.unc.edu
Wed May 24 14:06:47 EDT 2006

Thanks to all who've responded to my earlier backup software query. I 
want apologize for not being clearer as to what is going on and why I 
need this so here's a quick explanation.

Previously, we were using flexbackup (not fsbackup) to backup small 
amounts of data to an external usb hard disk. The format of the external 
disk was Fat32 and we didn't have any problems until we got to a point 
where we were backing up large data sets over 2 gigs or more, then we 
started running into problems where the backup would start to fail after 
a point, usually around two gigs or so (See attachment). At first we 
thought it was the usb drives so we got a new drive. Then we looked at 
the formatting of the drives as a possible issue and finally the backup 
program itself. Decided to reformat the external hard drive to ext3 and 
try flexbackup again, (fat32 would not handle files with specific naming 
conventions). Here is the following command to do so:

you need to run:
/sbin/mkfs.ext3   /dev/sdb1

and this will convert your external hard drive from fat32 to ext3. Not 
sure what to do beyond this point but we will try to do a backup again. 
In the meanwhile, thanks for your input and suggestions & I welcome 
additional comments and advice.


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