[TriLUG] Volunteers needed to help build Linux Machines at Purple Elephant Computer Factory for Kids

Rick DeNatale rick.denatale at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 21:12:03 EDT 2006

Jim McDermott sent me the following note.

Please respond directly to Jim via a-mail or at his workshop number of
919-788-7740 on  Wednesday between 10:30 AM and 5:00 PM.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James McDermott <jim at purpleelephant.org>
Date: Sep 4, 2006 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: Linux Opportunities at Purple Elephant
To: Rick DeNatale <rick.denatale at gmail.com>
Cc: Dave Hinton <dave at purpleelephant.org>, Donald Marsh
<donald at purpleelephant.org>, Gerhard Faessler
<gerhard at purpleelephant.org>


Thanks for responding to my email.

I am a retired Electrical Engineer (30 years with IBM at RTP). I have
been volunteering at the Purple Elephant Computer Factory for Kids in
Raleigh helping out with activities including fund raising and doing
refurbishments on computers.

We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. We accept donated computers
from individuals, organizations, and businesses. We wipe the hard drives
and then install Windows 2000 Pro on the refurbished computers.

Our clients are K-12 students, needy adults, and other 501(c)(3)
nonprofits who support our clients.

To date, we have provided over 575 refurbished Windows computers to
schools, community centers, nonprofits, individuals, and families of NC
National Guard members serving overseas.

Our goal is to eventually be able to give these refurbished computers to
our clients. At present, however, we are requesting a suggested donation
of $75.00 per system to help cover our refurbishment expenses.

I am a member of TriLUG and have an interest in Linux.

Recently, I built a few machines at the shop installing Edubuntu.
Edubuntu is of interest to us because it's an OS that's dedicated to
education for kids and we are very interested in GCompris which comes
installed with Edubuntu. My grand kids love GCompris. After exploring
GCompris, we are wondering if it might be useful at local day care
centers and senior centers. The website is: www.gcompris.net

We have a large inventory of donated computers at our shop that includes
P1-P4 Pentiums, Celerons, MACS, and notebook computers. We are wondering
if we can make use of our donated P1 computers by installing Damn Small
Linux or another small Linux image?

We will be looking at installing Edubuntu on our donated MAC's
(G3,G4,G5) and some of our donated notebooks.

We are starting to think about setting up small Thin Client networks
running Edubuntu for possible use in day care centers.

We have a very small group at the shop (5 people), and currently I am
trying to get us up and running with Linux.

My experience base with Linux is limited and there are times when we
have needed some help from those with more in-depth experience. We are
hoping to get a few volunteers to help us build these Linux machines.

Our shop is located at 6808 Davis Circle in Raleigh (919-788-7740) is
open every Wednesday from 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

If there is interest, I can be available to show prospective volunteers
our shop at other times. Our shop has 6 workbenches that can be used to
do refurbishment work.


Jim McDermott

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