[TriLUG] Re: question about mounting USB keys and case
Lance A. Brown
lance at bearcircle.net
Thu Sep 7 09:00:19 EDT 2006
Rick DeNatale wrote:
> On 9/6/06, Dan <trilug at daijin.router5.com> wrote:
>> I'm using the latest Ubuntu... when I plug my USB disk into the laptop I
>> get an automatic mount with something like '/media/usbdisk' as the
>> mount point but all of the file names are upper case. If I dismount the
>> drive and remount with a 'mount /dev/sda1 ./tmp' I get all files in
>> lower case. I think this is because I am dealing with a native FAT32
>> partion... the real question is how I can make the auto mount give me
>> lower case as well?
> I guess the first step is to figure out how it's automounting the
> drive. I'd look to see if the mount point or the drive shows up in
> /etc/fstab or in one of /etc/auto.* (or actually one of the files
> called out in /etc/auto.master
Does Ubunto use udev? If so, that is where the settings will be, /etc/udev.
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