[TriLUG] missing packages help

Ron Yorgason ron at tritechs.net
Sat Sep 16 18:58:15 EDT 2006

jason watts wrote:
> so, i ran the gui version to add/remove programs and tried installing 
> mysql to my existing setup. ran into some troubles said i am missing 
> some packages and will not continue until it finds those packaages
> ran yum list libodbcinst.so.1 and it didnt list anything.
> ran yum list lib* and it still didnt find anything... so im not really 
> sure what else to do with that...

libodbclient is part of some other rpm.  If you try:

yum install mysql-server mysql

that should install mysql as well as all other packages it depends on, 
including the package libodbcinst.so.1  (that file is included in the 

Hope that helps,


# Ron Yorgason          Small Business Computer Support   #
# TriTechs, LLC             "Helping your business        #
# www.tritechs.net             stay in business"          #

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