[TriLUG] starting mysqld
Aaron S. Joyner
aaron at joyner.ws
Sun Sep 17 21:18:21 EDT 2006
jason watts wrote:
> ok,
> i tried getting the version with, yourpath/mysqladmin version
> saying it cannot connect to the mysql server
> i tried doing it the gui way, and i got mysqld dead but subsys locked.
> did a very quick google, and came up with /etc/init.d/mysqld start
> when i run that (as root) i get the lines
> chown: 'mysql:mysql': invalid user
> chown: 'mysql:mysql': invalid user
> Timeout error occurred trying to start mysql daemon.
> Starting mysql [FAILED]
> (the output was handtyped, but acurate other than spaceing and
> capitilization)
> so, do i need to add a mysql user to the system? or is this refering
> to the mysql user that comes in mysql? or is it just something else
> completly different
There's not quite a lot of information on how you got to where you are
with this system, but as a first blush answer, I'll guess that you
installed mysql from source, but you didn't create a user and group
(mysql, mysql, respectively) for it to run as. You can probably remedy
this with 'useradd mysql && groupadd mysql' on most distros.
> also, has anyone else had so many problems trying to figure out how to
> set up mysql before?
Yes, lots of people have had horrendous problems setting up all manner
of open source packages. :) This usually stems from not having a solid
understanding of the system itself, some basic bash programming skills,
and generally being out of their element (most people don't have a lot
of experience in a *NIX environment). The good news is that Linux
distributions come with tools to make the learning curve easier, and in
a lot of cases make it so you don't even need most of these skills.
Your best bet for getting MySQL up and running with the least amount of
effort is to stick with the distribution packaging tools. Commands like
`apt-get install mysql-server`, `yum install mysql`, `up2date mysql`,
etc are definitely simpler and more foolproof than the "wget http://...
&& ./configure && make install # then tweak to your system" route.
Having said that though, if you really want to understand the system and
the tools well, installing from source is a fantastic learning
experience, and will teach you a lot along the way. It's a good first
step towards being a system administrator.
> .... does my question make any sence?
Your question does make sense, but it doesn't have quite enough
background information to answer it thoroughly or with any confidence in
the accuracy of the answer. How did you setup mysql? What system are
you setting it up on? We don't need command-by-command instructions of
what you did (although if it's short, it doesn't hurt), but a rough
overview of those two variables can go a long way towards providing a
better answer. The classic link here would be:
Aaron S. Joyner
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