[TriLUG] How to filter list mail coming to gmail account? (was: Fwd: [Steering] Want to be healthy? U can!)

Cristobal Palmer cristobalpalmer at gmail.com
Thu Sep 21 16:09:01 EDT 2006

So the problem with gmail's spam filter seems to be that when you're
subscribed to a listserv, everything to that address gets whitelisted.
Anybody know of a workaround?

If not, I'll just move that listserv subscription to another address,
but it'd be nice to be able to stick to gmail.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gilbert <robert at compuserve.de>
Date: Sep 21, 2006 11:05 AM
Subject: [Steering] Want to be healthy? U can!
To: steering at trilug.org

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Cristobal M. Palmer
UNC-CH SILS Student -- ils.unc.edu/~cmpalmer
TriLUG Vice Chair
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