[TriLUG] OT: solaris 10 persistent network interfaces
jason at monsterjam.org
jason at monsterjam.org
Wed Oct 4 14:10:43 EDT 2006
On Wed, Oct 04, 2006 at 02:07:50PM -0400, stan briggs wrote:
> all,
> 1. if there is a group as good for solaris as this one is for linux please
> point me there.
> 2. does someone know if there is something that must be done in solaris 10
> to make a network interface persistent other than: a) adding the ip address
> and name to /etc/hosts and b) adding a file named
> /etc/hostname.<interface_name> with the name from /etc/hosts in it?
> thanks,
> stan
> Stan B. Briggs
> +1-919-414-9513
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