[TriLUG] Freenode?
John Broome
jbroome at gmail.com
Thu Nov 2 11:31:46 EST 2006
"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
11:27 [freenode] -christel(i=christel at freenode/staff/gentoo.christel)-
[Global Notice] Hi again! I'm afraid we jumped the gun a bit too
early, the network is not under a DDoS attack, it appears one of our
staffers found a bug in our ircd. We should be all set and good now.
Thank you for using freenode and have a good day.
On 11/2/06, Ian Kilgore <ian at trilug.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 09:04:42AM -0500, William Sutton wrote:
> > Some of us are on; Nivex made the observation that the US servers seem to
> > be unavailable. Try one of the European ones...
> >
> > I seem to have been on and fairly undisturbed on sterling.freenode.net at
> > the moment.
> >
> > And just for public record...I want to apologize to Nivex for opposing the
> > move to another ircnet.
> >
> > --
> > William Sutton
> >
> 08:06 <denny> we lost a core server or two, so services have dropped offline for a bit
> 08:06 <denny> the people in the states are all busy phoning each other and sorting it out - hopefully we'll have things resolved soon :)
> Later:
> 09:02 [freenode] -christel(i=christel at freenode/staff/gentoo.christel)- [Global Notice] Hi all! As you no doubt have noticed we're having some problems our
> end, we're experiencing a rather large Denial of Service attack and most of our servers were affected, and as such, most of our users! I'm terribly
> sorry for the inconvenience and hope you all hang in there. Thank you for using freenode!
> --
> Ian Kilgore
> echo "pfxz at pfxz.trw" | tr pzfwxt ikagno
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFFSf0edzZ1vlGDxu4RAszpAKC7I4kSvWCXpcKqqsyHx96VHI3gPgCfTBVH
> ogr2S/uF4afUOnPJtSSSxuo=
> =S+Ha
> --
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