[TriLUG] OT: movie outing?

Brian Henning brian at strutmasters.com
Fri Nov 17 08:34:35 EST 2006

Well!  Let me be the first in the certain flood of responses!  I'm 
interested.  I am curious, though, if anything in particular makes this 
a prime LUG-related activity aside from the fact that it's penguins? 
Was the movie designed or rendered on Linux-powered machines?

Or, I guess to paraphrase a /. favorite... "Sure, but did they run Linux?"


Kevin Otte wrote:
> I had planned on trying to get a group rate and plan some big grand
> hoopla for the LUG, but alas plan is still a four letter word.
> That being said, is there any interest in getting a small group together
> and seeing a weekend matinee of the new penguin movie Happy Feet?
> http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0366548/
> Opens Fri Nov 17
> -- Kevin

Brian A. Henning

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