[TriLUG] Access to remote linux files and folders...
dsandif at email.unc.edu
Fri Jan 19 13:19:52 EST 2007
I am trying to see and access the drives and folders on linux boxes
remotely across the network. I basically ssh into the machine and then
CD down to the directory with the files that I want to access. Prior to
all this I stop and restart the following services; portmap and nfs. One
note to all of this is that I make sure that in my /etc/exports file I
have the dns names and ips of the machines I'm trying to reach and I
issue these commands first as root:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/portmap stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/portmap start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs start
This is all I do. nfs gives a few failed messages when I stop it but
eventually it shuts down. I then restart the two and from that point, I
am able to ssh into other linux boxes and drill down to see directories
and files. However recently I have one box that seems reluctant to allow
me to see it directories. I can ssh to it but when I try to ls and see
the files in the say “jukebox” directory, nothing comes up. I don’t get
any other than a prompt for that directory, no listing of files.
However, if I reboot that linux box that I currently can’t see, re-run
the stop and start command for portmaping and nfs, I can then see the
box I was trying to reach BUT the problem then switches to the local
box, in essence, the issue\problem is now on the local box.
1). How can I set this up so that I get either machine to see one other,
I can see both their directories and files and,
2). How can I automate this process so I don’t have to keep doing this
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