[TriLUG] Re: Another seal broken... thinking of installing a C/R anti-spam system

Lance A. Brown lance at bearcircle.net
Wed Jan 31 15:35:15 EST 2007

Dave Sorenson wrote:
> I've recently implemented Grey listing and I'm totally impressed. I'm
> dropping 300+ messages a day that don't try back after being told to try
> back in 30 seconds. The very few that do get through Spamassassin swats.
> I have my inbox back!

Yep.  Greylisting works.  The only thing is you have to keep watch for
the few large ISPs and companies that have broken smtp services.  There
is a good whitelist of known non-spam servers with broken services on
greylisting.org.  I have to add about 1 IP or /24 every month or two as
I encounter someone with broken servers I have to communicate with.


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