[TriLUG] visiting Red Hat HQ

James Brigman jbrigman at nc.rr.com
Thu Feb 8 00:52:59 EST 2007

On Wed, 2007-02-07 at 16:40 -0500, Catherine Devlin wrote:
> Feb. 27-28 - not overlapping with a TriLUG meeting...
> is that a good opportunity for a pilgrimage?
> embraced by cuddly penguins, who will give me a flipper and lead me inside
> to a world of Linuxy goodness and wonder?  Or will a receptionist just frown
> at me and ask if I'm a bigshot executive with an appointment?  Has anybody
> else visited Red Hat HQ just for the sake of visiting?

Red Hat's a business. No love, no soul. etc. etc. blah blah so what.
TriLUG, however, is free to be what Red Hat isn't - a home for Linux

Isn't there SOMETHING going on that we could host this Pilgrim Wanderer,
a sister in Linux? An ad-hoc installfest? A Fedora 6 christening? Some
Drupal 5.1 work? (http://www.tripug.org/) How about that Drupal meeting
"later this month"? I thought you could mumble "Double Mocha Latte -
hold the soy" in a crowded room and that was excuse enough to call a
TriPUG meeting over at Briar Creek. ALso a bit out of sync for the
Triangle Zope/Python folks. http://trizpug.org/boot-camp/camp5/

I've watched the mere emailing of the words "Crazy Fire" generate an ad-
hoc TriLUG meeting in minutes...

Heck, there's probably been a knoppmyth release in the time this thread
has consumed so far...http://mysettopbox.tv/knoppmyth.html

And...dare we allow her to go back to Ohio without even mentioning that
no geek's Sacred Pilgrimage is complete without a visit to Danny's
Barbeque, Asheville Avenue Location? (Leaving smoky is half the fun.)

Catherine is carrying around some valuable insights in her head. What's
the dual-boot fix for Vista? What happened at CodeMash? She's just
touched the new Microsoft Expression product (and has some surprising
and interesting commentary) ...as a Linux Admin/Oracle fan, I'd sure
like to hear some war stories about Oracle implementation, web
interface, etc. on Linux.

Just some food for thought.....

Catherine, it's your trip and you can do what you damb well please. Hike
right on up to the door at Red Hat.  But come-on TriLUG - showing human
Linuxy goodness is what we do best...aren't we due for a donut-fueled
installfest about the end of Feb?


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