[TriLUG] visiting Red Hat HQ

Catherine Devlin catherine.devlin at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 09:46:54 EST 2007

Wow, everybody... just, wow!

First, thanks for the information and the amusement!  (And yes, when I first
wrote up my question, the tune from the "Hershey's Chocolate World" tram
ride was running through my head.  But I had to ask.  You never know - my
hometown's paper mill, for instance, gave fantastic tours to the general
public - I even became an engineering intern there and got to guide the
tours myself.)

I don't think I'll try squirming my way into RH if they don't have any
provision for casual visitors.  I'd feel funny presenting myself as that
important.  Sure, I blog, but it's not like Linus Torvald won't take his
morning coffee without reading me.  Anyway, as mentioned, cubicles are
cubicles.  I can imagine a company where, for instance, they would let you
in the usability lab to play with their up-and-coming goodies, or show you a
series of machines running each RH release since 1.0, or have a standing
series of open-to-the-public lectures and demos, or whatever - but it sounds
like that's not so.

As for a Linux lunch - wow!  Let me warn you that I don't actually have my
tickets yet - I can't tell you yet when and where I'll be able to be at any
particular time.  But I would love to meet you, and if I can possibly manage
it I will!  I'd hate to nucleate a gathering and then miss it...

It shouldn't be my last visit to the area, either - in fact, I'll probably
be out a couple times a year for the foreseeable future.  You sound like a
great group!

Thanks so much,
- Catherine

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