[TriLUG] Raleigh area online magazine using open source editing

Cristóbal Palmer cristobalpalmer at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 23:15:11 EST 2007


Also, I just got this from Anton Zuiker:

<snip />

But don't wait to then to meet up with other North Carolina bloggers.
BlogTogether has other events planned -- visit http://blogtogether.org
get details about our regular meetups, occasional happy hours and
conferences. We encourage you to subscribe to our mailing list, too.
Find a
link in the sidebar of the BlogTogether home page.

Please consider attending these two events:

1. Triangle-area bloggers are invited to a *BlogTogether happy hour
Wednesday, February 21, 2007 from 6-7:30pm at Serena Restaurant and
Bar*(5311 S. Miami Blvd,
RTP). There will be free food, free drinks and free wifi, courtesy of
University. More info is at the BlogTogether blog.

2. This summer, we'll have a food blogging tour. Whet your appetite by
visiting http://wiki.blogtogether.org/blogtogether/show/FoodBlogging.

Hope to see you soon.

<snip />


On 2/13/07, Phillip Rhodes <mindcrime at cpphacker.co.uk> wrote:
> The closest thing I can think of would be the Triangle region on
> NCBlogs.com.
> <http://www.ncblogs.org/aggregator/categories/3>

Cristóbal M. Palmer
UNC-CH SILS Student -- ils.unc.edu/~cmpalmer
TriLUG Vice Chair
"There are many roads to enlightenment, and thus many roads back to
the One True Debian" --crimsun

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