[TriLUG] PGP key

Jim Tuttle jtuttle at prairienet.org
Sat Feb 17 07:25:07 EST 2007

I've been wondering how to deal with distributing my public key.  I
wonder if someone might suggest a better way than the link to my key on
the MIT key server in my signature.  It's ugly.  You know, I've never
received a single encrypted email in the two years that link has been
there.  I also wish I could destroy the old keys I made before I had any
idea how this worked, but that's life.

Oh, any hope for another key signing party sometime?

Thanks much,

---Jim Tuttle
url: http://www.prairienet.org/~jtuttle/
PGP key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x69B69B08

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