[TriLUG] Apache: Segmentation fault errors

Paul G. Szabady Paul at ThyService.com
Thu Mar 15 17:16:43 EDT 2007


Excuse my ingnorance as I've not used httpd-debug nor gdb before.  I'm
obviously missing something.

As you can see below, when I created the new rpms, I did get and install
the httpd-debug rpm.  Hence, my confusion and follow-up email.

Maybe I defined it wrong in the httpd.spec file before compiling from source?


BTW, you did send an email, which is why I'm trying this.   ;-)

@ Thy Service

> On 3/15/07, Paul G. Szabady <Paul at thyservice.com> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I finally have a chance to go heads down on this again.  But I think I'm
>> still missing something.  I downloaded the src rpm for httpd and added
>> the
>> following into my httpd.spec file before compiling it.
>> export EXTRA_CFLAGS
>> I upgraded to the latest version of rpms:
>> rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/httpd-2.0.46-61.ent.i386.rpm
>> /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/httpd-debuginfo-2.0.46-61.ent.i386.rpm
>> /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/httpd-devel-2.0.46-61.ent.i386.rpm
>> /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/mod_ssl-2.0.46-61.ent.i386.rpm  --nodeps
>> --force
>> I then went to the phpBB admin panel which causes the seg fault.  It
>> dumped a core file which I tried to backtrace here:
>> # gdb /usr/sbin/httpd /var/tmp/core.53045
>> GNU gdb Red Hat Linux (
>> Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>> GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you
>> are

>> Yet I'm still not seeing anything useful.  Any idea what I'm missing?
> either:
>    a) rpm is completely stripping the symbols or
>    b) rpm is creating a debuginfo rpm.
> If its not creating a debuginfo package then you can add:
>    exit 0
> to the end of the %install scriptlet and no stripping will occur.
> If it is creating a debuginfo package then you need to use that
> (didn't I send a email suggesting to do this earlier...or is alheimers
> settting in?).  I think if its installed gdb will automatically use
> it, but you probably should look this up.
> Cheers...james
> --
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