[TriLUG] OT: anyone use Cingular in the triangle area?

Chander Ganesan chander at otg-nc.com
Wed Mar 28 21:43:27 EDT 2007

Greg Brown wrote:
> I'm considering getting an iPhone for my wife but am concerned about the
> local coverage area.
I have Cingular..have had it now for about 2 years.  I can't complain - 
I've had sprint, suncom (pre-cingular AT&T) in the past, and IMHO 
Cingular blows them all away..  I've had no experience with Verizon.

My experience is that its rare that I am unable to make a call.  I have 
noticed that the phone you have - and its antenna design, etc. all make 
a big difference.  If you were looking at the iPhone I'd check out the 
reviews with regard to it's signal qualities rather than just 
features...IMHO that'll make or break your ability to use your phone 
effectively - regardless of the carrier.  I typically read the reviews 
on http://www.howardchui.com/ before buying a phone..but they don't have 
a iPhone review up (yet).

My wife gets a much poorer signal with her Nokia than I do with my 
Blackberry (pearl).  I also use it for data (blackberry data services as 
well as Bluetooth modem for my laptop), and I tend to get good data 
rates (as good as you can get with EDGE) pretty much all over town, and 
the entire way to Charlotte, both by I-85 and by US-1 (back roads).  I 
travel quite a bit, and haven't had a problem - roaming either here in 
the US, South America, or overseas (though obviously it's only Cingular 
in the US...)  I do notice that I sometimes get a suncom tower ...

Chander Ganesan
The Open Technology Group
One Copley Parkway, Suite 210
Morrisville, NC  27560
Phone: 877-258-8987/919-463-0999

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