[TriLUG] Memory Monitor on a Redhat system

Andrew C. Oliver acoliver at buni.org
Thu Mar 29 16:15:41 EDT 2007

Tim Jowers wrote:
> OK, I was being facetious when I said "not Enterprise ready". "Enterprise
> ready" doesn't mean jack in engineering and science and is a marketing 
> term.
> What I wanted to point out is the JVM presents its own memory management
> science.
> Best,
> TimJowers

Umm...Garbage Collection over NON contiguous nGB of HEAP?  No...no thank 

Parallel collection over nGB of non-contiguous heap would be VERY 
amusing.  Before 64-bit components became very cheap most folks picked 
Sparc/Solaris for enterprise Java.  Also Java's parallel GC wasn't 
stable until 5.0 anyhow so one could argue that 5.0 was the first 
"enterprise ready" release with some credibility.

Picture of Java memory: 

Java is a sucky language but the VM memory management  and JIT stuff is 
really sound.


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