[TriLUG] Triangle Open Source Lab - Do it. Don't just talk about it.
Reginald Reed
reginald.reed at gmail.com
Sat Apr 7 17:09:01 EDT 2007
On 4/7/07, Cristóbal Palmer <cristobalpalmer at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 4/7/07, Magnus <magnus at trilug.org> wrote:
> >
> > As a member of TriLUG, I'd like to ask why do all open source events
> > need to be hosted under the TriLUG flag?
> I didn't say they did. I asked people who were interested in setting
> up such events to contact us because they clearly can be.
I definitely agree here - what has been discussed thus far (not much)
could be done under TriLUG, no argument there.
> > For a change, I don't think Jim did anything inappropriate.
> Agreed, though I think it would be a regrettable duplication of effort
> to set up an entire parallel organization for the purpose of holding
> events like what he describes, esp. since he mentioned RHCE study
> sessions. Now, the mission/thrust/aim of this proposed organization
> might be miles away from TriLUG's, but it hasn't been articulated yet,
> and from what *has* been articulated, it sounds quite a bit like
> something the TriLUG membership would be interested in.
> Am I wrong?
Yes, I do believe you are wrong, but I'll let Jim speak to how I
interpreted his note to the list. I read it as he's looking for some
very action oriented suggestions that could be applied to a Triangle
based OpenSource lab. The examples he gave are what really sparked
him to come up with the idea. The examples are just that, examples.
He's looking for feedback on what people could be interested in seeing
the organization grow into/how it could be defined.
In my opinion, trying to tie everything remotely related to Linux will
stifle new ideas based on human nature. People will generally bound
their thoughts based on the original idea/premise. Sometimes its
really good to just start something fresh, even if it fails. Again,
this is just my opinion.
> The recent Lunch and visit to IBM sparked by a visitor were great
> examples of what can happen when you have TriLUG members stepping up
> and taking advantage of TriLUG resources (mailing list and wiki in
> those examples). Thanks to Rob, Tanner, and several other members for
> making those events successful.
None of this has to stop as people can be (and most of us are)
involved in several groups.
Just my 2 cents ;)
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