[TriLUG] SC elections

Jason Tower jtower at cerient.net
Wed Apr 18 15:55:17 EDT 2007

it's SC election time!  we'll be holding the trilug steering committee
elections at the may meeting, we have five positions to fill so if you'd
like to run (or want to nominate someone else) please email the current sc
using the web form http://trilug.org/contact or post it to the main list if
desired.  traditionally the nominees will post a short bio to the list a
week or so before the meeting.

there are five positions on the SC but you aren't voting for a particular
position, just the people - the elected five divvy up the responsibilities
among themselves.

please note that you must be a trilug member to run or vote so please bring
your membership card if possible (we can also look up your membership but
having the card makes things go a lot faster).


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