[TriLUG] security goons at TigerDirect in Raleigh: "No, thanks!"

Brian Henning Brian.Henning at datadirect.com
Thu May 31 20:12:10 EDT 2007

I'd love some links (yes I'm going to research it myself, but
researching legal code is very similar to finding the proverbial needle
in a haystack, in my experience) detailing the law here.  Guitar Center
in Durham has a similar policy, and I had words with one of the Security
Goons (a cute female one, but that's beside the point), and eventually
caved because I wasn't *absolutely* sure of my rights (it'd be just my
luck for the LEO to say "Sorry, sir, but the law is actually on the
store's side since this is private property.  You'll have to come with
me.  By the way, please let me tell you about my friend Miranda" or some
such leading-to-my-arrest conversation).

I'm familiar with the Best Buy corporate story (where the guy was
illegally detained, declined to press charges in favor of writing Best
Buy Corporate a nasty letter), but was that in NC?


-----Original Message-----
From: trilug-bounces at trilug.org [mailto:trilug-bounces at trilug.org] On
Behalf Of Kevin Flanagan
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 7:31 PM
To: Triangle Linux Users Group discussion list
Subject: Re: [TriLUG] security goons at TigerDirect in Raleigh: "No,

Back to the original thread....

Generally I just say "no thanks" when they say that they must see the
receipt and keep walking.  I think that if you are going to push a
button, you do need to do as Magnus said.  Walk slowly, speak clearly,
so that there is no room for miscommunication.

BJ's say that they do require you to show it, but I've not been stopped
when I just keep walking.  I do keep the receipt out so it's kind of

I also use every opportunity to tell all employees two things.  I do
take specific care to say that the line worker should tell their
management, and I know that it's not their doing.

- I find the receipt check business offensive, and am inclined to not
shop in places who do it.

- I find self checkout registers annoying, if I'm getting a discount for
their not needing as many cashiers I'd do it, but otherwise I won't.
I'm paying for someone to ring me out.  I just go up to the "overseer"
of the self checkouts if that's all that's available.  I almost always
get comments back like "me too, but I can't say it, I work here"


On 5/31/07, Magnus <magnus at trilug.org> wrote:
> Warren Myers wrote:
> > It is legal in many parts of the state. Unless there is a sign on 
> > the establishment indicating you cannot carry, or you're entering 
> > any
> government
> > building (even an office building that has *ONE* gubmint office in 
> > it),
> or
> > on school grounds, etc. Notice, though, that if the weapon is *at 
> > all* concealed, it's *not* legal.
> Yeah there are limitations.
> But oddly enough you have more liberty in where you can go with an 
> openly displayed pistol and no permit than the other way around.  
> Banks, for example.
> > What irks me more than the idiotic carry laws is the fact that you 
> > have
> to
> > apply to get a purchase permit, and then apply again (after taking a
> class)
> > to get a *concealed* carry permit.
> Actually if you have your concealed carry permit, you can use that in 
> lieu of the purchase permit now.  That law changed 2 or 3 years ago.  
> So once you're licensed to pack, no more asking "mother may I buy a
> (except the dreaded background check that criminals usually don't go 
> through themselves)
> --
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