[TriLUG] Your personal Linux Distro History (was Re: FEDORA 7 LINUX First Impressions? (was: F7 First Impressions?))

Roy Vestal rvestal at trilug.org
Fri Jun 1 16:11:35 EDT 2007

First time I was involved with Linux of any sort, my "boss" gave me an 
RHL 5.1 CD and said "Take those 4 servers (pointing to corner of room) 
and build a cluster". Took me a month to figure out how to get the 
stupid thing installed. After that, I was hooked (was a Windows and 
Solaris admin at the time).

 From there, RH 6.x -> 7.x -> 9 and Debian stable-> FC1, Debian, and 
Slackware -> FC3 -> FC5 -> FC6...Somewhere in there, RHEL 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 
and Suse 8.x, and 9.x for work stuff

I current run Debian Stable (older laptops), Aurora (FC based for 
Sparc), CentOS (Servers), FC6 (devel station @work), FC5 (music studio 
PC), PHLAK on CD(for network testing), Knoppix on CD (for repairs), RUNT 
on my USB key (network testing), and a rolled-my-own FC based LiveCD for 
the kids.

Jason Faulkner wrote:
> Hrm... full history?
> RHL 7.3 --> RHL 8 --> SuSe (8? not sure) --> RHL 9 --> Debian Woody (I
> broked my windows install with this one) --> FC1 --> FC2 --> Gentoo
> --> Debian Testng (sarge) --> Ubuntu
> Nowdays, I use either Gentoo, Debian, or Ubuntu.
> On 6/1/07, Tanner Lovelace <clubjuggler at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 6/1/07, Jason Faulkner <jason at oldos.org> wrote:
>>> Oooh. It's not FC anymore, is it? I can't believe it's up to 7. My
>>> first distro was RHL 7.3 -- and I used RHL/FC all the way through FC2.
>> Wow.  RHL 7.3  You're really young. :-P
>> My first distro was Slackware in early 1994.  Back when it was distributed
>> on lots and lots of 3.5 inch floppies.  From there I flirted briefly
>> with Yggdrasil
>> before moving to Red Hat.  In 1998 I switched from Red Hat to Mandrake 5.1
>> (it started at 5.1 since it mirrored the Red Hat version at the time because it
>> started as Red Hat + KDE).  I used Mandrake through 10.2 and then switched
>> to Kubuntu with Hoary Hedgehog on the desktop and Debian Sarge on servers,
>> which is where I stand today (latest versions of both of those).
>> In between there, I helped create two Linux distributions for my work at Oculan
>> back when it was alive: One was called Onix and it was basically a version
>> of Red Hat 7.3(?) that would run from a 128MB flash card and I'm not sure the
>> other one actually had a name but it fit in 8MB of flash and was based on
>> uClibc.
>> These days I'm much more likely to be using OS X on my laptop (and trying
>> to bring native KDE to that).
>> How about others?  What's your personal linux distro history?
>> Cheers,
>> Tanner
>> --
>> Tanner Lovelace
>> clubjuggler at gmail dot com
>> http://wtl.wayfarer.org/
>> (fieldless) In fess two roundels in pale, a billet fesswise and an
>> increscent, all sable.
>> --
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