[TriLUG] Why is Ubuntu so increasingly dominant

Steve Litt slitt at troubleshooters.com
Mon Jun 4 00:21:32 EDT 2007

On Sunday 03 June 2007 22:10, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

> Why do you Ubuntu (please keep your comments positive about ubuntu
> rather than negative about your prior distro)?

I don't. I Mandriva.

Because I have dialup, I can't rely on a distro that automatically installs 
off the net -- I need to bring packages down whole, and manually install, so 
I don't have to repeatedly spend an hour per new package installation on each 
of my computers. Mandriva uses PDF files.

Even if I had broadband, being an elder in the Church of the Known State, I 
prefer starting with a known distribution DVD, then installing known PDFs 
or ./configure;make;make install known tarballs. Yeah, it's often harder than 
using Debian based distros, but I repeat -- I know how I got to the current 
state and I can easily do it again with stuff on my distro DVD plus packages 
and tarballs on my hard disk.

Mandriva has most of the business apps I need, and all the development 
facilities I want. It's pretty good at hardware detection (though not as good 
as Knoppix or Ubuntu). I've been using Mandriva/Mandrake since 2000, and it's 
served me well during that time.


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