[TriLUG] Crontab

Tanner Lovelace clubjuggler at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 21:41:30 EDT 2007

To edit the root crontab, you'll need to actually be
root.  Have you tried "sudo crontab -u root -e"?

And, what happens if ntpdate sets the time back and
the command gets run again?  I'd *highly* suggest
using ntpd instead of ntpdate in cron.  You can set
the correct servers in its config file.


On 6/11/07, dsandif <dsandif at email.unc.edu> wrote:
> I'm in the process of googling up information on this but I'll ask as
> well. I'm trying to get my clock on my Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 to sync
> automatically with a time server and I am trying to use crontab to sync
> with a local time server so that I get the correct time without looking
> for a server outside the state.
> _*This is the command that I am issuing*_:
> crontab -u root -e
> _*this is the time server that I'm trying to access:*_
> /usr/sbin/ntpdate -s clock1.net.unc.edu
> _*And this is what I get back:
> *_
> No crontab for root. Using an empty one..
> Bad minute errors in crontab file can't install
> do you want to retry same edit?
> Can't edit crontab
> Thanks to all for help.
> D-
> --
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Tanner Lovelace
clubjuggler at gmail dot com
(fieldless) In fess two roundels in pale, a billet fesswise and an
increscent, all sable.

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