[TriLUG] Suggested topics

James Tuttle jjtuttle at trilug.org
Thu Jun 14 18:55:53 EDT 2007

Brian McCullough wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2007 at 04:16:16PM -0400, Phillip Rhodes wrote:
>> On 6/14/07, Alan Porter <porter at trilug.org> wrote:
>>>> any topics folks are interested in for the main meeting?
>>> PAM, Pluggable Authentication Modules.
>>> Maybe combined with LDAP, directory services.
>> I'll second that.  What I'd really like is an overview of the different
>> authentication mechanisms, APIs, etc.
>> for Linux/Unix, how the relate to each other, how to choose one over the
>> other, when to use them in
>> concert with each other, how they work with applications, etc.
>> I'm still fuzzy on the details of the huge array of acronyms and buzzwords
>> related to authentication (and maybe authorization to a lesser degree).
>> , etc., etc.  What is all this crap and how does it all work? :-)
> And don't forget 802.1x and RADIUS!
> B-)
I third that.

---Jim Tuttle
url: http://www.prairienet.org/~jtuttle/
PGP key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x69B69B08

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