[TriLUG] AJAX [Fwd: [Juglist] !!!REMINDER!!!]

Andrew C. Oliver acoliver at buni.org
Mon Jun 18 10:42:40 EDT 2007

Its about the same as TriLUG depending on the topic/weather.  Generally 
30-40 people.  I actually suggested they don't need to take donations 
for a few years as they have a lot of cash on hand but the present board 
seems rather conservative on this matter.  For a long time TriJUG had to 
pay for its room/projector where TriLUG did not.  That as actually a 
large reason for the fee.  They also have a different sponsor paradigm 
with longer term sponsors "pizza sponsors" for individual meetings.  The 
longer term program is possibly worth emulating.

Tanner Lovelace wrote:
> On 6/18/07, Andrew C. Oliver <acoliver at buni.org> wrote:
>> Admission:
>> Paid-up members of TriJUG may attend without additional charge. Non
>> members are asked to pay $5 per meeting. But, if you are either a full time
>> student or unemployed, then we ask only $2 per meeting.
>> DIRECTIONS to Nortel Networks:
>> **
> Boy, this makes me thankful that TriLUG is able to provide
> its meetings at no cost, including the pizza and drinks and
> also provide free membership.
> Andy, out of curiosity, what does this do to their attendence?
> I would tend to think it would depress it.
> Cheers,
> Tanner

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