[TriLUG] Code of Conduct

Warren Myers volcimaster at gmail.com
Mon Aug 13 11:42:35 EDT 2007

It would be a far simpler process to send a written warning to members if
complaints are received against them - with such warning including the
names/email addresses of those complaining - after such complainers (can't
think of a better term) are told to address the member personally.

OTOH, if someone can't say to me personally that I'm bothering them, I
probably not going to respect the kind of back-handed slap that would come
from them complaining to the 'leadership' of the group and making them come
to me.

If the members in question can't figure out how to ignore each other (or
maybe get along / tolerate one another), there're deeper issues than a "Code
of Conduct" can address.

This is an all-volunteer group, and I, or anyone else, can volunteer-in, or
-out, at any time we so please. If it really bothers you that some people
are opinionated differently from you, and you can't figure out how to get
along, or filter their messages into the trash, then maybe you should
consider leaving.

If/when any of the off-topic (or even on-topic) discussions don't interest
me, or some individuals bug me, I junk the messages. I don't need to bring
spare stress to my life in an arena in which we're trying to be helpful,
have fun, and learn stuff.

The delete button is just a click away - learn how to use it if you're
bothered by some messages.


On 8/13/07, James Olin Oden <james.oden at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8/13/07, Tanner Lovelace <clubjuggler at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 8/13/07, William Sutton <william at trilug.org> wrote:
> > > I tend to side with those who think that we should be grown-ups and
> not
> > > need to have proper social behavior dictated to us.  I don't want to
> sound
> > > like a troll (does that mean I do...?) but do we really want to turn
> > > TriLUG into a police state?
> >
> > You're right.  We *should* be grown-ups and not have to have
> > "proper social behavior dictated to us", but that hasn't worked
> > recently.  No one is talking about turning TriLUG into a police
> > state.  The suggestion is simply that we grow up.  And, since
> > we can't seem to do it on our own, here's a policy.
> Tanner, a policy won't make people change.  It, as said earlier, only
> gives you a place to point to when people do things that are obviously
> unacceptable.  People grow up when leaders stop enabling them (this
> not a rock thrown), and call them out on their bad behavior.  Again,
> some people (and I really have no idea who you are talking about) will
> resist any correction.  In that case it might feel comforting to have
> some code to stand behind, but it takes much more strength to simply
> call them on their bad behavior in lieu of any written standards.
> In short, I believe what is needed is leadership not documents
> defining good and acceptable conduct.
> Cheers...james
> P.S. Just to be sure, this is not an attack on anyone, just giving my
> take on something that I feel pretty strongly about.  As an aside,
> though, many churches have these codes of conduct for their members;
> they don't really work there either.
> --
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