[TriLUG] Upgrading network: new switch or multi-homed server?

Reginald Reed reginald.reed at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 11:42:50 EDT 2007

On 8/17/07, Lee <elfick at mac.com> wrote:
> On Aug 17, 2007, at 11:02 AM, Don Jerman wrote:
> > On 8/17/07, Lee <elfick at mac.com> wrote:
> >> Hey all,
> >> I'd like to upgrade my network to gigE but I would only have 3
> >> machines wired. I was wondering if it would be more efficient (both
> >> in terms of performance and $) to get a new switch or to multi-home
> >> my server.
> >
> > You still need at least a gigE hub/repeater unless you're talking
> > crossover-cables and extra network ports.  You can get a (purportedly)
> > Gigabit switch with around 8 ports for around $60-$100.  Some of the
> > 5-ports are down around $30-40.  Since your uplink is probably not
> I forgot to mention that I also want jumbo frame support and most
> (possibly all) of the cheap gigE switches don't have jumbo frame
> support. I was considering going with a small managed/smart switch,
> which are currently running $200-$250 so I figured I might be able to
> get away without a switch at all. Multihoming (unless I have my
> terminology wrong) refers to having more than one network port in a
> box so that was already accounted for and all the ports have MDI/MDIX
> auto-negotiation so crossover cables wouldn't be necessary.

Actually there are multiple Netgear and D-Link switches that have
jumbo frame (up to 9000 bytes) support that fall into the cheapie


These are just dumb switches, but I think managed switches would be
overkill for what you described.

Additionally, you don't need Cat6 cables for GigE, Cat5E works just
fine.  For excellent deals on cables, check out Monoprice.com.


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