Andrew C. Oliver acoliver at buni.org
Sun Sep 9 00:07:58 EDT 2007

Maarten Lippmann wrote:
> waaay faster than all that
> compiz/beryl stuff, even faster than gnome and kde and not as non-free
Those desktop effects be they compiz/beryl/whatever...something about 
them feels wrong and effeminate...  Its like those Japanese 
toilets...sure your butt is kept prettier...but don't you feel...violated?

(Japanese toilets: 
> software friendly as ubuntu. (Ubuntu is as close as you can get to a
> windows distribution in my opinion. People often don't know how much
> proprietary closed source binaries there are on their ubuntubox)
> And that whole sudo crap in ubuntu I can't handle. Give me root
> without having to hack the system. (sudo passwd root)
Sudo Rocks... you're just behind the times there.  Yeah eschew wireless 
and be like braveheart screaming freeedom while the rest of us enjoy 
802.11a/b/n .. Or its way more satisfying to install wireless drivers 
etc by copying them manually over sneakernet because you don't have 
network so that your distro can be "pure"...   (the above may contain 

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