[TriLUG] Powerline - Ethernet over AC lines & Linux

Christopher L Merrill chris at webperformance.com
Fri Sep 21 14:47:48 EDT 2007

Byarlay, Wayne A. wrote:
> Then, Poof! It disappeared into obscurity. I guess there are too many
> limitations to piggybacking the signals through the various conduits of
> the world? 

I thought it would be big for home networking.

Then wireless LANs got cheap and easy to deploy.  Poof!.

(who almost bought a big roll of CAT5 when I bought my house...)

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Chris Merrill                           |  Web Performance, Inc.
chris at webperformance.com                |  http://webperformance.com
919-433-1762                            |  919-845-7601

Website Load Testing and Stress Testing Software & Services
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