[TriLUG] Fedora core 8
WA Brown
brownwa at ftc-i.net
Sat Sep 29 02:49:52 EDT 2007
On Sat, 2007-09-29 at 01:09 -0400, Cristóbal Palmer wrote:
> On 9/29/07, WA Brown <brownwa at ftc-i.net> wrote:
> > I have installed Fedora Core 8.
Sorry, It's Fedora 7.
> That isn't out yet. I suggest you stick with 7 unless you have a
> powerful reason to need 8 and know what you're getting into. Also,
> they've dropped the "core" bit. It's just Fedora Project now.
> > 1.Java does not work and I have installed it but it still doesn't work.
> Which Java? Sun Java from the Sun website? All of Java? Just the JRE?
JRE downloaded and installed from Sun Java. It still does not work.
> > 2.Streaming audio and video does not work.
> What codecs? Proprietary ones? Fedora is every bit as zealous as
> Debian in terms of being about Free as in Freedom. You won't find easy
> support for proprietary codecs from Fedora. If you want Clicknrun, try
> Linspire: http://www.linspire.com/products_cnr_whatis.php?tab=whatis
> IANAL, but my impression is that if you want to flagrantly disregard
> the DMCA and other such things, try Ubuntu and install the codecs you
> need through the pointy-clicky interface.
I just want to be able to listen to online radio programs, video news
stories and the embedded video that is on some sites such as news sites.
I am not trying to do anything illegal but you should be able to see an
embeded video or online radio program.
> > 3.Quicktime plugin does not work.
Some emdeded video is quick time. There are other formats out there but
I cant think of anymore at the moment.
> ??
> Use mplayer? http://www.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/
> Again, IANAL, but I believe use of mplayer, libdvdcss and other such
> things is considered illegal by the people who have the money to sue
> you. Why not stick to Free formats?
> If you really, really want the non-Free stuff but don't want to pay
> anything for it, this page has guidance for Ubuntu users that could
> perhaps be applicable to others:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats
So what you are saying is that If I have music that is in the .mp3
format then it is illegal for me to play it, even if I have paid for it?
> > 4.Other plugins will not work.
> Which plugins? We can't help you if we don't know what plugins. Are
> you on a 64-bit system?
> > I know this is a general overveiw of some of the problems. I dont know
> > why but these issues need to be fixed but I cant do it. Is there some
> > help that I have missed?
> With the possible exception of Java, nothing that you've cited above
> is or should be "fixable" by the Fedora Project, assuming you're
> talking about proprietary codecs and plugins. What you're calling
> failures are the result of a conscious, principled stand on the part
> of the Fedora Project to be on the side of Free Software and Free
> Formats.
> Interoperability with closed formats that are anti-consumer to begin
> with is not a central concern for Fedora. That makes me very happy.
> That's why I'll proudly wear a Fedora shirt. That's a big part of why
> I respect Red Hat.
Then how is Fedora used if not for the internet? If you cant read, see
or listen to a file then what good would it be?
> Don't bash on a not-yet-released OS that doesn't do what you want
> because you're not its target audience.
What is the target audience for Fedora?
> If you're going to level a
> complaint, do it in the form of a bug report, or, better yet, offer to
> help fix what you think is broken:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers
> But again, I guarantee you that the rest of the Fedora Project is not
> going to agree with you if you tell them that inability to play
> quicktime files counts as broken.
> DISCLAIMER: I work for ibiblio.org, which benefits from a partnership
> with Red Hat and the Fedora Project. I'm also an Ubuntu user for all
> my personal machines.
Why dont you use Fedora?
> Cheers,
> --
> Cristóbal M. Palmer
> celebrating 15 years of sunsite/metalab/ibiblio:
> http://tinyurl.com/2o8hj4
> --
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