[TriLUG] Need quick openvpn setup help

Michael Kimsal mgkimsal at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 07:55:56 EST 2007

Hi Glenn:

I didn't write the reply yesterday - that was someone else.  I do have ssh
set up
and could let you in.  I'd think other things would need to be handled on
site, like
helping me configure my laptop to be able to access from the outside (at the
I have an external server that could be configured instead).

ssh is set up.  the server is a stock ubuntu-server install (32 bit, v 7.10).
was installed via apt-get install openvpn, but there's still a lot of
configuration that I can't
wade through.

if you can definitely come on site tomorrow, that'd be good.  I'm heading
out of the
country on wednesday morning, and would like to know I have remote access
to our files.  Also, we have a remote employee in holland running ubuntu
7.10 as well
(64 bit) and I'd like to be able to get him set up on vpn before i leave as

Lastly, I will need to be able to set up a mac client.  whatever setup
materials I need to have
I'd have to take with me when I go on Wednesday morning.  It's not
 but it's a huge nice to have.

What are your rates?

On Dec 2, 2007 11:05 PM, Glenn Starling <GJStarling at charter.net> wrote:

> Great!  I've set up SSH a couple of times before, and will try to give
> you a call sometime tomorrow, if that's OK.  Not sure when, as it will
> be a busy day.  I would like to see the document, but it should be no
> problem.
> Also, sorry about sending my previous reply to the entire discussion
> group rather than just you.  I'm usually not that careless, but it is
> Sunday night...!
> -- Glenn
> On Sun, 2007-12-02 at 22:42 -0500, Alan Porter wrote:
> > Step 1 - get SSH installed and working properly.
> > Everything else can be handled remotely.
> >
> > I have a simple how-to document (that we used at work)
> > for setting up openvpn.  I'd be happy to send that to
> > you.  It's really pretty easy.
> >
> > Alan
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > .
> >
> --
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Michael Kimsal

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